Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sting This

Rules Girl,
I enjoy, often agree with, and appreciate your posts. In fact, sometimes I am even inspired. It’s no secret The Rules Boy was established only after reading The Rules Girl … I mean, come on, what a clever name, right. True, most content contained within the realm of Rules Boy is – whimsical, nonsensical, magical, mystical, mythological, irrational, fanciful, fantastic, futuristic, sexilicious, supernatural, extra-planetary, logical and rational – a look inside the male mind.

One of its purposes is to provide the ever-growing Rules Girl readership a few checks and balances. You know, the “rules” from a male perspective. “The Boy” is right-side up. The “Rules” are upside down (see blog tittle ... Oops - title).

Important to note, men are always right ... just ask us. Of course, there is something to be said of delivery and tact; however, people choose to be stung or choose immunity to bee venom. This may be a scientific difference between male and female minds and might be best portrayed in The Princess Bride.

Buttercup: And to think, all that time it was your cup that was poisoned.
Man in Black: They were both poisoned. I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder.

Let’s raise a glass: Cheers, Rules Girl, to our differences.


  1. Is this letter in response to a letter that the 'rules girl' wrote to the 'rules boy'? And if so, I would love to read the letter she wrote? Or are you merely waging 'war'?

  2. Rules Girl sometimes posts things that are directly or indirectly related to my posts, conversations, or beliefs. Rules Girls writes well and opines often. Due to the nature of the two blogs, I see no reason why they should not correlate in some way. Please read her blog, follow the hyperlink in this post or use the hotlink in the left pane.

  3. seems like war to me.
    game on.
    WINK (cuz it's your fav)

    Rules Girl


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