Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'll have some Lather with my Rather

The last "Would you rather ..." poll question has closed. It was the first of its kind on TRB (The Rules Boy). With its close comes a new era: the dawn of poll analysis. There will be many more. Please take the time to vote on the next poll. I will publish results, analysis, and interpretations as I see fit.

The question: Would you rather …
  • Eat a pad of post-its
  • Eat a roll of scotch tape
  • Eat a piece of cake that tastes like poo
  • Eat a piece of poo that tastes like cake

Clearly, two things can be deducted by this poll. First, only 13 people will survive some sort of disaster that leaves only office supplies, cake, and poo to eat. Second, over 50% of the world population likes the taste of poo.

Total Votes: 13

1 comment:

  1. I would like to know the names of the other two "poo like cake" eaters are... they are the only people I would like to continue relationship with. The ten other people clearly have no place in my life.


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