Shock, stun, ding your own bell. Life can become a little too comfortable at times. I am in need of change. Before bed last night I decided to take a page from George Costanza. Today I have been trying to do the opposite of what I would normally do. This is the highlighted report thus far:
I woke up in the middle of the night at 4:00 AM. I wanted to go back to sleep – I got up and did push-ups. Then, I quickly realized that I was doing push-ups and I recognized the opposite … so then I did some sit-ups. I stopped and wondered if I should try to do some pull-downs or stand-downs. I worked up an appetite. I knew I shouldn’t eat, “I can’t, but I must,” I thought. I could see this was getting out of foot, so I made burritos for put-together-slow.
Pay far attention: I dressed myself for play. Jeans, T-shirt, boat shoes – believe it. I found myself behind the mirror brushing my teeth. I swallowed, frowned, and said, “You are such a man-saver.”
Work: “Bad night. You’re there,” I said to my co-workers (no one said a word to me the rest of the day). I took lunch at 11:00. I wasn’t hungry, so I ate lots. I completed my work promptly, and a second ago I was reading a newsletter update from HR. I sent a text to a friend I never wanted to talk to again, and I changed my Facebook status to something completely false. I logged onto MySpace … imagine this, Ha!
Do something you normally wouldn’t do and report. I can’t wait to read the results.
I woke up in the middle of the night at 4:00 AM. I wanted to go back to sleep – I got up and did push-ups. Then, I quickly realized that I was doing push-ups and I recognized the opposite … so then I did some sit-ups. I stopped and wondered if I should try to do some pull-downs or stand-downs. I worked up an appetite. I knew I shouldn’t eat, “I can’t, but I must,” I thought. I could see this was getting out of foot, so I made burritos for put-together-slow.
Pay far attention: I dressed myself for play. Jeans, T-shirt, boat shoes – believe it. I found myself behind the mirror brushing my teeth. I swallowed, frowned, and said, “You are such a man-saver.”
Work: “Bad night. You’re there,” I said to my co-workers (no one said a word to me the rest of the day). I took lunch at 11:00. I wasn’t hungry, so I ate lots. I completed my work promptly, and a second ago I was reading a newsletter update from HR. I sent a text to a friend I never wanted to talk to again, and I changed my Facebook status to something completely false. I logged onto MySpace … imagine this, Ha!
Do something you normally wouldn’t do and report. I can’t wait to read the results.
This morning I woke at 6am. (Because, even though it defies all logic and reason, the 8 hours between the hours of 2am-10am are TOTALLY different then eight hours between the hours of 10pm-6am).
ReplyDeleteImmediately after waking up, I sent a twitter update out. I said something quirky about my breakfast cereal. It was a short story to illustrate my wit and my originality while also subtly dropping the organic brand name. All hundreds of my followers were enthralled and glad I let them know. Between waking up and getting to the office, I sent out five more updates.
I promptly arrived at work a good five min before nine, just so when my boss walked it, it would appear as though I had been there for a while and I was already in the thick of things. I was working hard on some "green practices" that my office should put in to practice. Simple things that make a big difference... like buying recycled paper (because who cares that trees are renewable).
At work I talked all about my weekend, making sure to mention the three full hours of church I went to on Sunday. Any chance to open dialogue about the Truth is a chance for me to let my light so shine.
Then I skipped lunch and plowed right through the afternoon. I attended no meetings.
I returned home and did responsible things all evening long; balanced my checkbook, read a bit, listened to some emo music, and then turned in early.