Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pardon my Absence

There are many reasons why I have neglected this blog, Michael’s tragic death being chief among them, however, it is time for a reemergence. Although the King is dead, the rules are not. Please accept my apologies, if you follow or read this blog, I will in turn try to thrill your lives with the passion of a King.

Happiness, my friends, is a choice. Lettuce always remember this. If you carrot all, you will choose wisely. If you do not CHOOSE to be happy, it is likely that you will turn into an a*ple.

Just some food for thought.


  1. I love it... Such a cheesy sentiment. (See what I did there?)

  2. I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to ketchup your readers.

  3. Olive you commenters! However, I won't partake in any such pun-off ... a boiled egg is hard to beat.


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