Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Top 10: Acronyms You Should Know

10. LDR – Long Distant Relationship
You must be either 45 minutes of travel time or two cities apart.

9. DTR – Define The Relationship
A man’s worst nightmare. “Baby … what are we?”

8. STD – Special TurD: AKA – Sexually transmitted disease.
Steer clear. Is this a deal breaker for you?

7. XOXO – “I want to take you to my small, dark storage room downstairs.”
No one really knows this acronym’s origin.

6. SWALK – Sealed With A Loving Kiss
If you’ve used this, you’re level of homosexuality is at a minimum of 25%.

5. SLAP – Sounds Like A Plan
This is often accompanied with a brisk blow to the face.

4. TV – TransVestite
It used to mean TeleVision – it’s a new, ever-changing world.

3. DDF – Drug and Disease Free
Ask this of every person you ever date. “Are you DDF?”

2. MBA – Married But Available
Also an uneducated person with a paper to prove otherwise.

1. AAGOOC – Acronyms Are Getting Out Of Control

Go do something productive.

Friday, July 24, 2009

I Wanna Grow Up

Adolescence makes no sense at all.

It tries minds of all kinds big and small.

Little boys put away toys and act as men,

While little girls straighten curls when ten.

Suddenly emotions cause all sorts of commotion

Sworn enemies holding hands becomes very grand.

Excitement peaks, new feelings reached, even in sleep

Until only the heart breaks abound in ignorant aches

And sleepy tears are overcome with darkest fears.

Adolescence makes absolutely no sense,

It shocks senses and brings repentance.

All small boys ought to remain coy

Then girls joys could they enjoy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pardon my Absence

There are many reasons why I have neglected this blog, Michael’s tragic death being chief among them, however, it is time for a reemergence. Although the King is dead, the rules are not. Please accept my apologies, if you follow or read this blog, I will in turn try to thrill your lives with the passion of a King.

Happiness, my friends, is a choice. Lettuce always remember this. If you carrot all, you will choose wisely. If you do not CHOOSE to be happy, it is likely that you will turn into an a*ple.

Just some food for thought.