10. LDR – Long Distant Relationship
You must be either 45 minutes of travel time or two cities apart.
9. DTR – Define The Relationship
A man’s worst nightmare. “Baby … what are we?”
8. STD – Special TurD: AKA – Sexually transmitted disease.
Steer clear. Is this a deal breaker for you?
7. XOXO – “I want to take you to my small, dark storage room downstairs.”
No one really knows this acronym’s origin.
6. SWALK – Sealed With A Loving Kiss
If you’ve used this, you’re level of homosexuality is at a minimum of 25%.
5. SLAP – Sounds Like A Plan
This is often accompanied with a brisk blow to the face.
4. TV – TransVestite
It used to mean TeleVision – it’s a new, ever-changing world.
3. DDF – Drug and Disease Free
Ask this of every person you ever date. “Are you DDF?”
2. MBA – Married But Available
Also an uneducated person with a paper to prove otherwise.
1. AAGOOC – Acronyms Are Getting Out Of Control
Go do something productive.
You must be either 45 minutes of travel time or two cities apart.
9. DTR – Define The Relationship
A man’s worst nightmare. “Baby … what are we?”
8. STD – Special TurD: AKA – Sexually transmitted disease.
Steer clear. Is this a deal breaker for you?
7. XOXO – “I want to take you to my small, dark storage room downstairs.”
No one really knows this acronym’s origin.
6. SWALK – Sealed With A Loving Kiss
If you’ve used this, you’re level of homosexuality is at a minimum of 25%.
5. SLAP – Sounds Like A Plan
This is often accompanied with a brisk blow to the face.
4. TV – TransVestite
It used to mean TeleVision – it’s a new, ever-changing world.
3. DDF – Drug and Disease Free
Ask this of every person you ever date. “Are you DDF?”
2. MBA – Married But Available
Also an uneducated person with a paper to prove otherwise.
1. AAGOOC – Acronyms Are Getting Out Of Control
Go do something productive.