This is quite possibly one of the most important technical intricacies of dating, so pay attention. Whenever you take out with a girl for the first time bring six roses. Since you don’t know how the date will go beforehand this will enable you to prepare for any scenario possible. Each rose will be a different color and will convey a different meaning or emotion, this will help you look sensitive, not to mention that girls melt when guys they barely know give them roses.
Here is the breakdown of the six roses:
Red Rose: Red is the universal color for passion and romance. If you felt a chemical or emotional romance on your date, then this is the rose. Red rose also symbolize loveliness and beauty, so if you can give her credit for nothing besides being physically attractive enough to be asked on a date, this would also qualify her for a red rose.
Pink Rose: This color stands for admiration or appreciation. If you felt like she left you wanting more then give her a pink rose. Being adorable also deserves a pink rose.
Yellow Rose: This rose symbolizes friendship, lets her know not to have any expectations in the future. It can also symbolize jealousy, if she texted or took a phone call during the date—yellow rose.
White Rose: If you want to really get out on a limb go for the white rose. This one symbolizes purity and honor. This means you intend to go the distance and represents your willingness to commit.
Orange Rose:
Purple Rose: If you found yourself mesmerized by her whimsical glances and the song in her voice, then give her the purple rose. Purple represents enchantment or love at first sight.
Remember, give her the rose at her door at the end of the date. Explain to her briefly why you’re giving her that particular rose, so the expectations can be set for the next rendezvous. Every first date can be categorized among one of the six roses, I hope this is clear, they are not more complicated than the six rose system. Remember, dating is a ritual, practice makes perfect.